In this video I review the Kalam Cosmological Argument as developed by William Lane Craig.
Further Reading
William Lane Craig, "Reasonable Faith."
In this video I review the Kalam Cosmological Argument as developed by William Lane Craig.
William Lane Craig, "Reasonable Faith."
In this video, I cover the argument for the existence of God from composition, first given by Plotinus and more recently developed by Edward Feser.
Mind, Matter, and Nature: A Thomistic Proposal for the Philosophy of Mind" by James Madden
Does God exist? This video argues that if our lives are truly meaningful and have purpose, God must exist. It further tries to give us the intuition that life is meaningful and does have purpose.
In this video, I consider the claim that quantum field theories show particles can come into existence randomly without cause, and that this is a counterexample to the law of causality.
Objections to Law of Causality from Quantum Mechanics
The Law of Causality states that whatever begins to exist requires a cause (or, alternatively, no potential can be actualized unless something already actual actualizes it). In this video, I look at David Hume's objection to the Law of Causality.
Hume's Imagination Objection to Law of Causality
In this video, I explore the argument for God's existence from the phenomenon of change.
Parmenides posed a paradox that purported to show change is impossible. How can this be since we see change everywhere?
Parmenides' Paradox of Change
In the middle of intense, prolonged suffering, we can have significant doubts about God's existence. Are these legitimate? How do we deal with them?
In the middle of intense, prolonged suffering, we can have significant doubts about God's existence. Are these legitimate? How do we deal with them?
The Problem of Evil is intended to show that God does not exist, but interestingly enough one of the premises it rests on--indeed, the most surprising one--can be used to prove the exact opposite: the premise that "Evil exists." How can the existence of evil show God exists? Is there a way to avoid this result?
My version of this argument is similar to that found in Robert Adams, Finite and Infinite Goods, though I think an amalgam of DCT and Aristotelian natures is the most convincing grounding of morality.